Names of seven-limit commas

1029/1000 keega
250/243 maximal diesis, porcupine comma
36/35 septimal quarter-tone
525/512 Ibn Sina diesis, Avicenna enharmonic diesis
128/125 diesis
49/48 septimal diesis, slendro diesis
50/49 jubilisma, septimal sixth-tone, tritonic diesis
3125/3072 small diesis, magic comma
686/675 senga, septimal seventh-tone
64/63 septimal comma, Archytas' comma
875/864 supermagic comma
81/80 syntonic comma, comma of didymus
3125/3087 gariboh comma, major BP diesis
2430/2401 nuwell comma
2048/2025 diaschisma
245/243 octarod, minor BP diesis
126/125 septimal semicomma, starling comma
4000/3969 octagari, sub septimal semicomma
1728/1715 orwell comma
1029/1024 gamelisma, gamelan residue
15625/15552 kleisma
225/224 septimal kleisma, marvel comma
19683/19600 cataharry
16875/16807 mirkwai, small BP diesis
10976/10935 parafi
3136/3125 parahew
5120/5103 hemifamity, beta5
6144/6125 hewuermity
65625/65536 tertiapont
32805/32768 schisma
703125/702464 tertiadec
420175/419904 ennprod
2401/2400 breedsma
4375/4374 ragisma
250047/250000 landscape comma
