Seven Limit Named Temperaments

Below is a list of seven limit temperament names, with the associated wedgie defining the temperament being named.

Ennealimmal <<18 27 18 1 -22 -34||
Sesquiquartififths <<4 -32 -15 -60 -35 55||
Tertiaseptal <<22 -5 3 -59 -57 21||
Meantone <<1 4 10 4 13 12||
Pontiac <<1 -8 39 -15 59 113||
Magic <<5 1 12 -10 5 25||
Beep <<2 3 1 0 -4 -6||
Augie <<3 0 6 -7 1 14||
Pajara <<2 -4 -4 -11 -12 2||
Dominant <<1 4 -2 4 -6 -16||
Garibaldi <<1 -8 -14 -15 -25 -10||
Miracle <<6 -7 -2 -25 -20 15||
Orwell <<7 -3 8 -21 -7 27||
Hemiwuerschmidt <<16 2 5 -34 -37 6||
Father <<1 -1 3 -4 2 10||
Catakleismic <<6 5 22 -6 18 37||
Blackwood <<0 5 0 8 0 -14||
Neptune <<40 22 21 -58 -79 -13||
Sensi <<7 9 13 -2 1 5||
Hemififths <<2 25 13 35 15 -40||
Amity <<5 13 -17 9 -41 -76||
Diminished <<4 4 4 -3 -5 -2||
Mother <<1 -1 -2 -4 -6 -2||
Parakleismic <<13 14 35 -8 19 42||
Mavila <<1 -3 -4 -7 -9 -1||
Sharptone <<1 4 3 4 2 -4||
Injera <<2 8 8 8 7 -4||
Dicot <<2 1 6 -3 4 11||
Godzilla <<2 8 1 8 -4 -20||
Gamera <<23 40 1 10 -63 -110||
Waage <<0 12 24 19 38 22||
Wizard <<12 -2 20 -31 -2 52||
Keemun <<6 5 3 -6 -12 -7||
Negri <<4 -3 2 -14 -8 13||
Myna <<10 9 7 -9 -17 -9||
Valentine <<9 5 -3 -13 -30 -21||
Augene <<3 0 -6 -7 -18 -14||
Decimal <<4 2 2 -6 -8 -1||
Quasiorwell <<38 -3 8 -93 -94 27||
Unidec <<12 22 -4 7 -40 -71||
Superpyth <<1 9 -2 12 -6 -30||
Mutt <<21 3 -36 -44 -116 -92||
Mothra <<3 12 -1 12 -10 -36||
Rodan <<3 17 -1 20 -10 -50||
Hendecatonic <<11 -11 22 -43 4 82||
Misty <<3 -12 -30 -26 -56 -36||
Quartonic <<11 18 5 3 -23 -39||
Octokaidecal <<2 6 6 5 4 -3||
Hystrix <<3 5 1 1 -7 -12||
Porcupine <<3 5 -6 1 -18 -28||
Hedgehog <<6 10 10 2 -1 -5||
Jamesbond <<0 0 7 0 11 16||
Octacot <<8 18 11 10 -5 -25||
Hemithirds <<15 -2 -5 -38 -50 -6||
Harry <<12 34 20 26 -2 -49||
Flattone <<1 4 -9 4 -17 -32||
Diaschismic <<2 -4 -16 -11 -31 -26||
Superkleismic <<9 10 -3 -5 -30 -35||
Wuerschmidt <<8 1 18 -17 6 39||
Tritonic <<5 -11 -12 -29 -33 3||
Nautilus <<6 10 3 2 -12 -21||
Kwai <<1 33 27 50 40 -30||
Duodec <<0 0 12 0 19 28||
Hemikleismic <<12 10 -9 -12 -48 -49||
Triton <<3 -7 -8 -18 -21 1||
Liese <<3 12 11 12 9 -8||
Semisept <<17 6 15 -30 -24 18||
Nusecond <<11 13 17 -5 -4 3||
Guiron <<3 -24 -1 -45 -10 65||
Grendel <<23 -1 13 -55 -44 33||
Penta <<3 2 4 -4 -2 4||
Beatles <<2 -9 -4 -19 -12 16||
Shrutar <<4 -8 14 -22 11 55||
Clyde <<12 10 25 -12 6 30||
Hemischismic <<2 -16 -40 -30 -69 -48||
Hexe <<6 0 0 -14 -17 0||
Squares <<4 16 9 16 3 -24||
Lemba <<6 -2 -2 -17 -20 1||
Tritikleismic <<18 15 -6 -18 -60 -56||
Gorgo <<3 7 -1 4 -10 -22||
Countercata <<6 5 -31 -6 -66 -86||
Schism <<1 -8 -2 -15 -6 18||
Doublewide <<8 6 6 -9 -13 -3||
Sidi <<4 2 9 -6 3 15||
Pelogic <<1 -3 5 -7 5 20||
Semiaug <<6 0 15 -14 7 35||
Slender <<13 -10 6 -46 -27 42||
Gidorah <<3 2 -1 -4 -10 -8||
Bisupermajor <<16 -10 34 -53 9 107||
Semififths <<2 8 -11 8 -23 -48||
Undecental <<1 -37 -43 -61 -71 4||
Quasisuper <<1 -13 -2 -23 -6 32||
Bohpier <<13 19 23 0 0 0||
Superpelog <<2 -6 1 -14 -4 19||
Bipelog <<2 -6 -6 -14 -15 3||
Grackle <<1 -8 -26 -15 -44 -38||
Muggles <<5 1 -7 -10 -25 -19||
Keen <<2 -4 18 -11 23 53||
Marvo <<6 17 46 13 56 59||
