Wayne Peppercorn

Wayne Peppercorn, or "Mr. P" as his students affectionately call him, composes using the harmonic language of the eighteenth century without sounding like an eighteenth century composer, though certainly the fingerprints of the First Viennese School are all over his music. His marvelous gift for melody and solid sense of construction makes for a very satisfying listening experience which is likely to have you dancing around or whistling while you work. All of the music on this page has been tuned to 31 notes to the octave instead of the usual 12, to give a meantone tuning more harmonious than the tuning usual today.

Symphony #4, first movement 13.0 mb

Second movement 9.97 mb

Third Movement 6.61 mb

Fourth movement 7.20 mb

Pitch bending works well with chamber and keyboard music, but sometimes cannot deal with orchestral music because of the number of tracks involved. Here is more music by Wayne, this time in midi format, retuned to meantone. Included is his third symphony, which has small enough forces to allow pitch bending.

Entrance of the White Witch

First string quartet

Symphony #3
