Definitions of tuning terms
© 1998 by Joseph L. Monzo
All definitions by Joe Monzo unless otherwise cited
gamma, G
Third letter of the Greek alphabet, with
the following current musical uses:
Paul Hahn
Tuning Digest 111, message 22)
has pointed out that
the number of steps per octave is very nearly double
the numbers of steps per octave in both Carlos's
alpha and beta scales.
Examples of its use can be found on her album
Beauty In The Beast.
see The Wilson Archives
for examples and explanations of his notation.
see also alpha,
[from Joe Monzo, JustMusic: A New Harmony]
UPdated: 2002.1.12
1. A scale devised by Wendy Carlos which does not
have "octaves", because
of its equal "step size" of 35.1 cents,
with 34.188 steps per "octave".
An additional letter-name used in Erv Wilson's notations,
signifying a note near "G", but with a musical function
which is separate from "G",
in whatever particular scale the notation is describing.
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