Definitions of tuning terms

© 1998 by Joseph L. Monzo

All definitions by Joe Monzo unless otherwise cited


    A term coined by Augustus de Morgan to designate the tiny interval which represents 100,000 * log10(2), thus obviating the need to calculate logarithms.

    A jot is calculated as the 30103rd root of 2, or 2(1/30103), with a ratio of approximately 1:1.000023026. It is an irrational number.

    This interval therefore divides the "octave", which is assumed to have the ratio 2:1, into 30103 equal parts. Thus a jot represents one degree in 30103-EDO tuning.

    One potential defect of using jots is that the familiar 12-EDO semitone does not come out with an integer number of jots, since 30103 does not divide evenly by 12. Thus, the 12-EDO semitone is ~2508.583333 = exactly 25087/12 jots.

    a jot is ~0.039863137 cent, or just under 1/25 of a cent. The exact value is 1/(25.08583333) = 1/(25 & 103/1200) = 1200/30103 of a cent.

    The formula for calculating the jot-value of any ratio is:

    jots = log10(ratio) * [30103 / log10(2)]

    Ellis states that John Curwen, a great reformer of a cappella singing who intended to acheive just-intonation in his performances, used jots for his measurements.

    Note that Sauveur's "heptamerides" of 2(1/301) are related to the "jots", being simply a slightly less accurate rounding.


    Ellis, Alexander. 1885.
    Appendix XX, in his translation of
    Helmholtz, On the Sensations of Tone, p 437.
    Dover reprint 1954.

    De Morgan, Augustus. 1864.
    "On the beats of imperfect consonances",
    Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society vol. 10, pp. 129-145.

    [from Joe Monzo, JustMusic: A New Harmony]

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