Definitions of tuning terms

© 1998 by Joseph L. Monzo

All definitions by Joe Monzo unless otherwise cited

just-about intonation

    A pun on Just Intonation, coined by Robin Perry to describe the fretboard of a guitar he had specially made. (In colloquial English, "just about" means "quite close to, but not exactly".)

    The guitar had frets which went straight across the fretboard as on a regular guitar, but which were spaced so that they emulated many JI ratios within +/- 5 cents resolution (i.e., 240edo).

    Here is a description from Yahoo tuning list, message 14767:

    From: Robin Perry   
    Date: Fri Oct 20, 2000 8:19am
    Subject: Re: my just-about guitar
    Dear Tuners...
    Monz wrote:
    >> > > The only guitars I've seen that come close to real JI while still
    > > > using straight frets across all six strings, are the guitars
    > > > refretted by Robin Perry which he calls 'just-about intonation'.
    > >
    > > > One guitar Robin lent me has 3 different fret distances: 70, 85,
    > > > and 115 cents.  On any given string, this produces scale-steps
    > > > that give close approximations to such ratios as 10/9, 7/6, etc.
    > >
    > > How does Robin tune his open strings?
    > To be honest, I'll have to write him and ask... too bad he's not
    > on the List anymore.  As a general rule, he tunes the open strings
    > to a JI (or pseudo-JI) chord, but of course any tuning at all can
    > be used for the open strings, including one that more closely
    > resembles the 'regular' tuning.
    > I wrote a very brief description of this guitar 7 months ago,
    > right after visiting Robin during my road trip west:
    > > me, monz:
    > >
    > >
    > > It has 3 different sizes of frets which go straight across
    > > the neck: 70 cents, 85 cents, and 115 cents, in this repeating
    > > pattern:
    > >
    > > ||    |     |    |     |     |    |     |
    > > || 70 | 115 | 85 | 115 | 115 | 85 | 115 |
    > > ||    |     |    |     |     |    |     |
    > >
    > > Most of you should be able to see right away some
    > > of the just ratios that it approximates well.  The tuning of the
    > > open strings is completely 'user-definable', but Robin generally
    > > uses tunings which produce a nice rich JI chord on the open strings.
    > To the best of my recollection, he tuned this particular 'Jinto'
    > guitar to a pseudo-JI 'major 9th' chord.......
    Yes, I still am on the list, and still, unfortunately, so swamped with 
    L.O.T.T. (life other than tuning) my "reading" on the list is mostly 
    scrolling.  My posts, such as they are, are on the skimpy side.
    The tunings I used for the Just-about were, as Joe said, basically open 
    chords.  From any fret on this guitar, you can move up in either a 1/2/5 
     a 1/4/5 type progression and in some cases, both. There are many other 
    chords accessible of course, but you really have to study the relationships 
    to get something worthwhile out of it.  The resolution of the just-about is 
    to the nearest five cents (240 TET).
    I decided to have the guitar re-fretted the way I did because I felt that 
    the fret spacing in the higher number E.T.s would be beyond me.  I wanted 
    something close to 12 TET spacing.  I have since re-thought that limitation 
    and want to get hold of a 31.  If mandolin players can get used to it, why 
    can't I?
    Robin Perry
    Charlottesville, VA

    [from Joe Monzo, JustMusic: A New Harmony]

(to download a zip file of the entire Dictionary, click here)

  • For many more diagrams and explanations of historical tunings, see my book.
  • If you don't understand my theory or the terms I've used, start here
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