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If Donald trump decided not to give up his ownership of the enterprise, the risk of possible violation of the constitution of the United States once he was sworn into office.

Although, he says he plans to transform itself from his business, he has also proposed that the law is "completely" to him, "the President can't have a conflict of interest."

But legal experts told ABC news, not like this.

Constitutional expert Lawrence tribes believed that, will become a trump "unconstitutional" go, say if he didn't give up his business.

"From that moment he vowed, he would violate a clause of the constitution, he vowed, to do evil, to insist on every minute of every day," said tribe, professor of Harvard University.

It all comes down to the payment clause of the constitution, elected officials, including President, from accepting gifts or profit from a foreign government.

, in section 1 of article 9 constitutional clause 8 wrote, "no person holding any office or trust higher yields, shall, without the consent of the congress, accept of any present, reward, office, or title, of any kind, from any king, prince, or foreign governments."

"Remuneration" the meaning of the word is compensation, profit or benefit.

Across the world business empire, including real estate network properties and hotel patronized by the representatives of foreign governments, trump how to abide by the terms and still keep his business?

Richard painter, former President George w. Bush, George w. Bush) moral's lawyer, said his trump needs from any part of the enterprise with foreign governments.

"Meet the constitution, he need to make sure he doesn't own the company accept payment from a foreign government or foreign government owned enterprises," the painter told ABC news.

This means that defeat would almost certainly have to give up his new dc hotels and other properties by a representative of the foreign government patronage, the painter said, but he can only ask the other side of the enterprise,prada bags sale including the United States citizens or private foreign customers.

"In theory, he can keep the enterprise does not deal with foreign governments and foreign state-controlled companies," the painter said, provides the example of an office building tenants only allow American companies or private foreign companies business risk.

Further interpretation of the terms of the tribe that is better than need fully prada outlet stripping truly abide by the constitution from his business guidelines the framers of the constitution.

"Constitution is deliberately prohibit a U.S. official, the President, in particular, from the profit from foreign governments or certain entities on behalf of a foreign government. The reason is that Europe's long experience of corruption," said tribe.

"Every minute of every day, one of his hundreds prada handbags of enterprises all over the world will gain benefit from foreign government," he continued.

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This is a principle, tribes believed that extends to trump's adult children.

"The whole history of corruption in Europe,prada replica is trying to get rid of the founder of our company based on the understanding, is the best way to give the king, prince, good" tribal said. "Is the purpose of the payment terms to prevent foreign governments lubrication palm a U.S. officials, whether it is or extend the palm of her daughter or son."

Painter, by contrast, don't believe in terms of the extended to trump's adult children, though he said "state politics is still suspicious," foreign payment should continue to flow to trump's children.

"We can put the civil servants in violation of the constitution,prada bags cheap because his adult children to do business with foreign governments? I can't imagine what will happen," said the painter.

The painter said, the appearance of the problem by trump's adult children sitting in the meeting with foreign leaders,prada bags outlet because there is no way to ensure that they are not "mixture is better than business and government."

There is a solution, trump can completely avoid the risk of violation of payment terms: congress could allow him to maintain his business empire.

"Responsible for the payment terms made it clear that congress.prada replica It allows the President to have what may seem like a conflict of interest," said tribe.

Artist, I think it would be a "good solutions" if can trump business with congress to reduce the payment terms and conditions of the application and shows the trump may continue to have business.

Great catch in this case, of course, is that congress would have to agree with the republicans' political risk may not want to risk.

The painter said, is unlikely to be more than may be sued. Payment terms and conditions of the actuator is congress.

But no congressional approval, the painter has warned that trump might find itself facing huge risk, although unlikely, situation: impeachment.

"Congress does not give permission for sure,prada outlet he runs the risk of the next parliament will come back, accused him of anything," said the painter. "This is a big risk."

Despite the victory over possible safety and republican control of congress impeached,prada bags replica tribal does not rule out the possibility, can open his trump's parties.

"We don't know what congress will do," said tribe. "If they decide to mike pence for them may be a more secure the President's re-election prospects, they are likely to sword Donald trump."

"The fact that he in daily threat really distorted the whole America's system of government," tribe. "He is a walking impeachment.