A 13-tone 7...17-limit scale of Pat Pagano and David Beardsley

©2001 by Joe Monzo

    On the internet Tuning List, Pat Pagano presented a scale designed by he and David Beardsley, and asked for comments from other list subscribers (Message 19513, Tue Feb 27, 2001 5:24pm).

    This scale uses a rational tuning, and includes the prime-factors 2, 3, 5, 7, and 17, thus characterizing it as 17-limit, albeit without making any use of the intervening prime-factors 11 and 13.

    Because of these missing prime-factors, I (and others) would label it as "7...17-limit", or some other variation such as "7/17-limit".

    I think it makes sense to recognize in the label that a particular tuning makes use of an inclusive set of fairly low prime-factors with one "special" prime-factor that is larger. This occurs rather often, as here.

    My first response presented the prime-factor matrix which outlines the values of the exponents of all the prime-factors in the ratios of this scale (Message 19517, Tue Feb 27, 2001 6:43pm):

                2    3   5   7   17
       2/1       1   0   0   0   0
     119/64    - 6   0   0   1   1
      85/48    - 4  -1   1   0   1
      17/10    - 1   0  -1   0   1
      51/32    - 5   1   0   0   1
     119/80    - 4   0  -1   1   1
      17/12    - 2  -1   0   0   1
    1377/1024  -10   4   0   0   1
      51/40    - 3   1  -1   0   1
     153/128   - 7   2   0   0   1
     425/384   - 7  -1   2   0   1
      17/16    - 4   0   0   0   1
       1/1       0   0   0   0   0

    Dan Stearns then created a good ASCII lattice of these pitch relationships (Message 19528, Tue Feb 27, 2001 11:48pm):

         / \
        /   \  119/64             1377/1024
       /     \  ./ `.                /
       \    1/1X
        \  119/80
         \ /.' `.\

    Lawrence Ball gave a correct analysis of this scale as a modal species, without actually describing it as such (Message 19537, Wed Feb 28, 2001 4:36am).

    I promised to create Monzo lattices of the scale. Here they are.

    Here's the "octave"-equivalent lattice shifted in ratio-space (i.e., transposed) by a 16:17 to show the analysis of this scale as a modal species containing more familiar pitches.


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