Definitions of tuning terms
© 1998 by Joseph L. Monzo
All definitions by Joe Monzo unless otherwise cited
Türk cent
Turkish classical music uses
Pythagorean tuning.
A very good approximation to this is provided by
53edo, one
degree of which is
nearly the same as both the
Pythagorean comma
and the syntonic comma.
Turkish theorists have further subdivided the 53edo degree
into 20 parts, making 1060 to the
The Türk cent is thus calculated as the 1060th root of 2, or
2(1/1060), with a ratio of approximately 1:1.000654126.
It is an irrational number.
The width of the Türk cent is ~1.132075472
(~1 1/8)
~28.3990566 (~28 2/5) jots,
~34.74398887 (~34 3/4) tuning-units,
~46.36981132 (~46 1/3) cawapus, and
~185.4792453 (~185 1/2) midipus.
There are exactly 88
Türk cents in a
The formula for calculating the Türk-cents-value
of any ratio is:
See also Manuel Op de Coul's
Logarithmic Interval Measures.
[from Joe Monzo, JustMusic: A New Harmony]
Türk-cents = log10(ratio) * [ 1060 / log10(2) ]
Türk-cent-sizes for some small intervals, with regular (Ellis)
cents-values given for comparison:
interval Türk-cents (Ellis) cents
Pythagorean comma ~20.72300917 (~20 5/7) ~23.46001038
53edo degree 20 ~22.64150943
syntonic comma ~18.99722248 (~18 359/360) ~21.5062896
kleisma ~7.161429661 (~7 1/6) ~8.107278862
heptameride ~3.521594684 (~3 1/2) ~3.986710963
savart ~3.533333333 (3 8/15) 4
grad ~1.726917431 (~1 5/7) ~1.955000865
skhisma ~1.725786696 (~1 5/7) ~1.953720788
milli8ve 1.06 (1 3/50) 1.2
cent ~0.883333333 (53/60 = ~8/9) 1
monzisma ~0.258282877 (~1/4) ~0.29239571
jot ~0.035212437 (~1/28) ~0.039863137
tuning-unit ~0.028781957 (~1/35) ~0.032583348
cawapu ~0.021565755 (~1/46) ~0.024414062
midipu ~0.005391439 (~1/185) ~0.006103516
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