Joe Monzo's
7-limit pitch-bend lattice
Text and diagrams © 2000 by Joseph L. Monzo
Below is my lattice diagram
showing a 3-dimensional
whose coordinates represent a
pitch-bend lattice
(c) 2000 by Joe Monzo
Extended accidentals are derived from my adaptation of the Herf and Sims 72-tET notations:
72-EDO meaning
sharper flatter - than 12-tET note
+ - ~1/12-tone ~ 17 cents
> < ~1/6-tone ~ 33 cents
^ v ~1/4-tone ~ 50 cents
# b ~1/2-tone ~100 cents
These cents adjustments are approximate because the actual pitches are just-intonation ratios
whose deviation from 12-tET varies with every note.
7-limit JI meaning
sharper flatter - than Pythagorean note
+ - 80:81 syntonic comma ~ 21.5 cents
> < 63:64 septimal comma ~ 27.3 cents
^ v 35:36 septimal diesis ~ 48.8 cents
# b 2048:2187 apotome ~113.7 cents
Pitch-bend values show the deviation from the 12-tET pitch designated by the letter-name
and any sharps or flats; they assume 4096 units per 12-tET semitone; I have coined the term
cawapu to
designate these units.
B< F#< C#< G#< D#< A#< E#< B#< Fx<
50/27 ------- 25/18 --------- 25/24 --------- 25/16 --------- 75/64 -------- 225/128 ------- 675/512 ------ 2025/1024 ----- 6075/4096
-1361 -1281 ` '-1201 ` '-1121 ` '-1041 ` ' -961 ` ' -881 ` ' -801 ` '-721
/|\ ` D# ' /|\ ` A# ' /|\ ` E# ' /|\ `B# ' /|\ ` Fx ' /|\ ` Cx ' /|\ ` Gx ' /
/ | \ 25/21 / | \ 25/14 / | \ 75/56 / | \ 225/224 / | \ 675/448 / | \ 2025/1792 / | \ 6075/3584 /
/ | \ +76 / | \ +156 / | \ +236 / | \ +316 / | \ +396 / | \ +476 / | \ +556 /
/ Cv \ /|\ / Gv \ /|\ / Dv \ /|\ / Av \ /|\ / Ev \ /|\ / Bv \ /|\ / F#v \ /| /
/ 35/18 -------- 35/24 --------- 35/32 --------- 105/64 -------- 315/256 ------ 945/512 ------ 2835/2048\/ | /
/ '-1998` /\ | /\'-1918 ` /\ | /\'-1837 ` /\ | /\'-1757 ` /\ | /\'-1677 ` /\ | /\'-1597 ` /\ | /\'-1517 ` /\ | /
/ ' / \ /` \|/' \ / \ /` \|/' \ / \ /` \|/' \ / \ /` \|/' \ / \ /` \|/' \ / \ /` \|/' \ / /` \|/
D- / \/ A- \/ \/ E- \/ \/ B- \/ \/ F#- \/ \/ C#- \/ \/ G#- \/ / D#-
10/9 --/-----\-- 5/3 --/-----\-- 5/4 --/-----\- 15/8 --/-----\- 45/32 -/-----\ 135/128 /-----\ 405/256 /----- 1215/1024
-721 `/ / \'-641 `/ \ / \'-561 `/ \ / \'-481 `/ \ / \'-400 `/ \ / \'-320 `/ \ / \'-240 `/ \ / '-160
/|\ / ` B+ ' \ /|\ / ` F#+ ' \ /|\ / ` C#+ ' \ /|\ / ` G#+ ' \ /|\ / ` D#+ ' \ /|\ / ` A#+ ' \ /|\ / ` E#+ ' /
/ | / 40/21 --\-|-/-- 10/7 ---\-|-/-- 15/14 --\-|-/-- 45/28 --\-|-/- 135/112 -\-|-/- 405/224 -\-|-/ 1215/896 /
/ |/ \ +636 / \|/ \ +716 / \|/ \ +796 / \|/ \ +876 / \|/ \ +957 / \|/ \ +1037 / \|/ \ +1117 /
/ Ab< \ /|\ / Eb< \ /|\ / Bb< \ /|\ / F< \ /|\ / C< \ /|\ / G< \ /|\ / D< \ /| /
/ 14/9 ---------- 7/6 ----------- 7/4 ---------- 21/16 --------- 63/32 -------- 189/128 -------- 567/512\/ | /
/ -1437 /\ | /\ -1357 /\ | /\ -1277 /\ | /\ -1197 /\ | /\ -1117 /\ | /\ -1037 /\ | /\ -957 /\ | /
/ ' / \ `/ \|/ ' / \` / \|/ ' / \` / \|/ ' / \ `/ \|/ ' / \ `/ \|/ ' / \ `/ \|/ ' / ` / \|/
Bb ' / \/ ` F ' \/ \/ ` C ' \/ \/ ` G ' \/ \/ ` D ' \/ \/ ` A ' \/ \/ ` E ' \/ / ` B
16/9 --/-----\-- 4/3 --/-----\-- 1/1 --/-----\-- 3/2 --/-----\-- 9/8 --/-----\- 27/16 -/-----\- 81/64 -/------ 243/128
-160. / / \'-80 ` / \ / \' 0 ` / \ / \' +80 `/ \ / \'+160 `/ \ / \'+240 `/ \ / \'+320 `/ \ / '+400
/|\ / G> ' \ /|\ / ` D> ' \ /|\ / ` A> ' \ /|\ / ` E> ' \ /|\ / ` B> ' \ /|\ / ` F#> ' \ /|\ / ` C#>' /
/ | / ' 32/21 --\-|-/--- 8/7 ---\-|-/-- 12/7 ---\-|-/--- 9/7 ---\-|-/-- 27/14 --\-|-/-- 81/56 --\-|-/- 243/224 /
/ |/ \ -1197 / \|/ \ +1277 / \|/ \ +1357 / \|/ \ +1437 / \|/ \ +1517 / \|/ \ +1597 / \|/ \ +1677 /
/ Fb- \ | / Cb- \ | / Gb- \ | / Db- \ | / Ab- \ | / Eb- \ | / Bb- \ | /
/ 56/45 --------- 28/15 ---------- 7/5 ---------- 21/20 --------- 63/40 -------- 189/160 ------- 567/320 \ | /
/ -876 \ | / -796 \ | / -716 \ | / -636 \ | / -556 \ | / -476 \ | / -396 \ | /
/ ' ` \|/ ' ` \|/ ' ` \|/ ' ` \|/ ' ` \|/ ' ` \|/ ' ` \|/
Gb+ ' ` Db+ ' ` Ab+ ' ` Eb+ ' ` Bb+ ' ` F+ ' ` C+ ' ` G+
64/45 --------- 16/15 ---------- 8/5 ----------- 6/5 ----------- 9/5 ---------- 27/20 --------- 81/80 -------- 243/160
+400 +481 +561 +641 +721 +801 +881 +961
Updated: 2002.1.5
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