Definitions of tuning terms
© 1998 by Joseph L. Monzo
All definitions by Joe Monzo unless otherwise cited
An abbreviation coined by Dan Stearns for the tuning determined
by 72 equal divisions of the "octave".
(see also EDO)
72-EDO has been advocated as a tuning by Ivan Wyschnegradsky in Paris,
by Franz Richter Herf in Austria, by
Rick Tagawa in California, and by Ezra Sims, Joe Maneri,
and many other Boston-area microtonalists (see
Ted Mook's 72-tET Finale font),
as an easily-grasped representation of the virtual
pitch continuum.
72-EDO has been advocated as a notation capable of giving
good representations of JI pitches by many
tuning theorists. Paul Erlich has argued powerfully and eloquently
for its use in many posts to the internet
List. It is also the superset which contains within it
several subset tunings from a nearly optimal version of the MIRACLE family of
Before describing my notation in greater detail, I feel
it is imperative to note that several other tuning theorists
adopted an ASCII standard in 2001 which differs from mine
in that it more closely resembles the Sims/Maneri symbols
which are actually used in scores. (I use exactly the
same symbols in both email and scores.) The two notations
are identical in terms of how they operate; only in one
case different symbols are used and in another the
symbols are distributed differently.
Below are the legends for the intonational inflections
of the accidental symbols for each system, so that in
reading what follows below, one need merely consult
the legends to make the comparison between the two
Tuning list standard, based on Sims/Maneri 72edo notation
Monzo HEWM-based 72edo notation
Continuing only in my notation,
below is a table of the range of the virtual pitch continuum
which can be represented by each 72-EDO note. I cover only one
semitone, as it can be reproduced
similarly for the other 11.
The table gives the absolute
Semitone ranges (i.e.,
as a fraction of semitones), the nearest
12-EDO degree and
its cents deviation (i.e., to relate 72-EDO to Johnny
Reinhard's 1200-EDO notation), and MIDI pitch-bend values
for the deviation from 12-EDO.
This emphasizes the use of 72-EDO as a notation, rather
than as an actual tuning. (The latter would give the precise
cent or pitch-bend value of each 72-EDO degree, which I
give further below.)
This is how 72-EDO can be used to represent pitches
which are expected to actually be tuned slightly differently,
whether JI, other
(or poly-) EDOs, or otherwise.
72-EDO is calculated by taking the 72nd root of each successive power
of 2, from 0 to 71, with higher or lower
"octaves" of these 12 notes assumed
to be, and tuned as, equivalents.
The basic step-size is 16 & 2/3 cents.
Below is an overview of the complete 72-EDO scale as a tuning.
Notes which are presented horizontally adjacent are
enharmonically equivalent.
Paul Erlich has also pointed out that it should be emphasized
how well 72-EDO approximates several
just-intonation tuning systems.
His Yahoo Tuning List message 21486
gives a good summary of this. In brief, each 72-EDO accidental
represents an intonational inflection of one step along a
prime-axis of the
lattice, for primes up to 11.
Thus, + and - represent 1/12-tones,
and signify an inflection of a
syntonic comma or an increase or decrease of
one in the exponent of 5, which is the same as saying: one step along
the 5-axis on the lattice.
< and > represent 1/6-tones,
and signify an inflection of a
septimal comma or an increase or decrease of
one in the exponent of 7, which is the same as saying: one step
along the 7-axis on the lattice.
And ^ and v represent 1/4-tones, and signify an inflection of an
undecimal diesis
or an increase or decrease of one in the exponent of 11, which is
the same as saying: one step along the 11-axis on the lattice.
I have also formulated a method of notating 72-EDO simply
on my quarter-tone staff paper.
Below is shown the entire 72-EDO scale and also representations
of two segments of the harmonic series.
Here is a bit more than one "octave" of a mapping I designed
to put 72-EDO on the keyboard
of the Starr
showing the 72-EDO
degrees and my
ASCII 72-EDO notation. Here the pitches rise by one degree
from "string" to "string", then continue at the bottom of the
next "fret".
The quarter-tone
pitches at the bottom of each column rightfully should
be a different shade or color, because they fall in
the boundary between the pitches that are mapped to
the black and white keys. To me, the small size of
the type on the quarter-tone keys (due to the inclusion
of both of the
spellings for these pitches) served here to differentiate
them enough from the other black and white keys.
Here's another mapping of 72-EDO to the Ztar keyboard
which treats its array as a 5-limit
lattice diagram:
Invoking xenharmonic bridges
which allow 5-limit pitches to be treated as higher-limit pitches,
as described in
List message 1372 (Mon Mar 8, 1999 1:25 am), one may
obtain a comprehensive
11-limit system.
[from Joe Monzo, JustMusic: A New Harmony]
updated: 2002.2.21
lower raise inflection cents
b # semitone 100
] [ 1/4-tone 50
< > 1/6-tone 331/3
v ^ 1/12-tone 162/3
lower raise inflection cents
b # semitone 100
v ^ 1/4-tone 50
< > 1/6-tone 331/3
- + 1/12-tone 162/3
nearest Semitones MIDI
12-EDO deviation pitch-bend
Semitones degree from 12-EDO (cawapus)
1.08 1 + 0.08 + 341
12 C# < >
0.92 1 - 0.08 - 341
10 C#- < >
0.75 1 - 0.25 - 1024
8 C#< < >
0.58 1 - 0.42 - 1727
6 C^ or C#v < >
0.42 0 + 0.42 + 1727
4 C> < >
0.25 0 + 0.25 + 1024
2 C+ < >
0.08 0 + 0.08 + 341
0 C < >
-0.08 0 - 0.08 - 341
72-EDO Monzo ASCII adaptation of
Sims/Herf notation
8 different symbols in addition to the letter-names:
+ > ^ #
- < v b
16&2/3¢ 33&1/3¢ 50¢ 100¢
1/12 1/6 1/4 1/2 of a 'tone'
DE- SEMI- /-------------- NOTATION ------------------\
0 0.00 C
71 11.83 C-
70 11.67 C<
69 11.50 Cv B^
68 11.33 B>
67 11.17 B+
66 11.00 B
65 10.83 B-
64 10.67 B<
63 10.50 Bv (Bb^ A#^)
62 10.33 Bb> A#>
61 10.17 Bb+ A#
60 10.00 Bb A#
59 9.83 Bb- A#-
58 9.67 Bb< A#<
57 9.50 (Bbv A#v) A^
56 9.33 A>
55 9.17 A+
54 9.00 A
53 8.83 A-
52 8.67 A<
51 8.50 Av (Ab^ G#^)
50 8.33 Ab> G#>
49 8.17 Ab+ G#+
48 8.00 Ab G#
47 7.83 Ab- G#-
46 7.67 Ab< G#<
45 7.50 (Abv G#v) G^
44 7.33 G>
43 7.17 G+
42 7.00 G
41 6.83 G-
40 6.67 G<
39 6.50 (F#^) Gv (Gb^)
38 6.33 F#> Gb>
37 6.17 F#+ Gb+
36 6.00 F# Gb
35 5.83 F#- Gb-
34 5.67 F#< Gb<
33 5.50 (F#v) F (Gbv)
32 5.33 F>
31 5.17 F+
30 5.00 F
29 4.83 F-
28 4.67 F<
27 4.50 E^ Fv
26 4.33 E>
25 4.17 E+
24 4.00 E
23 3.83 E-
22 3.67 E<
21 3.50 (D#^ Eb^) Ev
20 3.33 D#> Eb>
19 3.17 D#+ Eb+
18 3.00 D# Eb
17 2.83 D#- Eb-
16 2.67 D#< Eb<
15 2.50 D^ (D#v Ebv)
14 2.33 D>
13 2.17 D+
12 2.00 D
11 1.83 D-
10 1.67 D<
9 1.50 (C#^ Db^) Dv
8 1.33 C#> Db>
7 1.17 C#+ Db+
6 1.00 C# Db
5 0.83 C#- Db-
4 0.67 C#< Db<
3 0.50 C^ (C#v Dbv)
2 0.33 C>
1 0.17 C+
0 0.00 C
readily divided into smaller systems:
72-EDO = (2^3)*(3^2) degrees
all possibilities of the matrix:
2^ 3^ # of degrees:
|1 0| = 2
|2 0| = 4
|3 0| = 8
|0 1| = 3
|1 1| = 6
|2 1| = 12
|3 1| = 24
|0 2| = 9
|1 2| = 18
|2 2| = 36
|3 2| = 72
arranged in order of number of degrees:
|1 0| = 2 tritone
|0 1| = 3 augmented triad
|2 0| = 4 diminished 7th tetrad
|1 1| = 6 whole tones
|3 0| = 8
|0 2| = 9
|2 1| = 12 semitones
|1 2| = 18 third-tones
|3 1| = 24 quarter-tones
|2 2| = 36 sixth-tones
|3 2| = 72 twelfth-tones
72-EDO contains all these divisions within it.
Thus it subdivides into 10 smaller equal systems.
(to download a zip file of the entire Dictionary, click here) |
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