Definitions of tuning terms
© 1998 by Joseph L. Monzo
All definitions by Joe Monzo unless otherwise cited
MIRACLE generator and scale
A whole family of related scales/tunings
derived from an optimal generator
called the MIRACLE generator or
MIRACLE is an acronym standing for
M ultitudes of
The entire cycle of this generator produces
72-EDO or a very close
approximation to it. Important subsets
are the MIRACLE-41 scale, the MIRACLE-21
(blackjack) scale,
and most significant of all, the MIRACLE-31
(canasta) scale.
In April 2001 Dave Keenan calculated "optimal" generators
using several different methods. In one example, Paul Erlich illustrated
the calculus involved in the "unweighted"
9-(odd)-limit optimizaton
method in Tuning
List message 22626 (Sun May 13, 2001 6:41 am).
One set of optimal generators is approximately 116.7
cents, nearly identical
to 7 degrees of 72-EDO, or 7/72
of an "octave".
This interval has been named the
secor, after the
original discoverer of the family of tunings based on this
In late June 2001 it became evident to tuning list subscribers
that George Secor actually has precedence as the originator of the MIRACLE
temperament (though not any of the MIRACLE MOS scales). See
New Look at the Partch Monophonic Fabric, originally
published in Xenharmonikôn 3.
Secor identifies his generator as 116.69 cents, but Dave Keenan found that
the generator with the properties Secor mentioned is actually 116.71 cents.
As indicated by its full name, the MIRACLE scale
contains very close approximations to a very large
number of
structures - specifically, a lot of 7-limit
tetrads and
11-limit hexads,
and also exhibits a number of other interesting
properties examined by theorists in regard to size of intervallic
relationships (i.e.,
maximal evenness, etc.)
Here is a graph showing how the MIRACLE family grows
from the 21-note blackjack, thru the 31-note
the miracle-41, and the full
72-EDO superset. Note
that there are many other intermediary stages which
were left out.
Starting at the 0th degree of 72-EDO
and adding 10 pitches on either side of it 7/72 of an
"octave" apart, then "octave"-reducing them,
yields the blackjack cycle shown in yellow.
Adding another 5 pitches on either side of the blackjack
cycle yields the extra canasta pitches shown in red.
Canasta also includes all the yellow blackjack pitches.
Adding another 5 more pitches on either side of the
canasta cycle yields the extra miracle-41 pitches shown in blue.
Miracle-41 also includes all the yellow blackjack pitches
and all the red canasta pitches.
After adding another 15 pitches to either side of the
miracle-41 cycle, the 16th note on either side gives
the same pitch, thus closing the cycle at 72. These
extra pitches needed to complete the
72-EDO scale are
shown in green.
I could have also shown two smaller MOSs
MOSs using more colors, with 10 and 11 notes.
Shown below is the actual derivation of the cycles by
steps of the 7/72-"octave"
generator in either direction
from the 0th
Note that every 6th step in the cycle is a
"perfect 5th"
in the "cycle of 5ths". Thus, the MIRACLE scales
can be thought of as:
I have
notated the accidentals of this cycle to conform to
the Pythagorean
origin of the standard notation, with
the exception that I made a break between Db and F#
in every case, to use a minimum number of symbols.
Each "cycle of 5ths" is offset one space to the right.
This diagram shows how 72-EDO can be thought of as
6 chains of "5ths".
Here's an explanation of the generation process which
I posted in tuning-math message 271
(Thu Jun 21, 2001 6:20 am), with graphs for
If you think of using the 2(7/72)
generator to create extended
(i.e., >12) scales in the same way that you can use a
(i.e., narrowed)
"5th" or the
"5th" to create >12 "extended" cycles, I think that will help
make the whole process clearer.
The meantone and Pythagorean "5ths" don't close the cycle at the
13th note, because the 1st and 13th are separated by a small
interval which is exactly or approximately one of the
(For an illustration, see
"Pythagorean comma".)
Similarly, if you call your origin 0 and create an 11-tone
MIRACLE scale, the notes at either end (-5 and +5 generators
away from the origin) will be separated by 2(2/72), or
33&1/3 cents.
This is a bit bigger than a "comma", but the process
is the same: the resulting 2(2/72) is audibly much smaller
than the 2(7/72) which occurs between all the other notes
of the scale, thus (depending on musical context, of course)
these two pitches are more likely to be interpreted as variant
instances of the same
pitch-class, rather
than as two distinct scale-members.
This is shown by the green line in the
graph below, and explains why
Graham Breed's decimal notation
works so well to describe the basic cardinality of these tunings.
By continuing to extend the cycle beyond these 11 notes, you
get pairs of pitches all separated by 2(2/72), which
can be seen in the graph below. This is exactly
why the Blackjack scale has
s=2 (in terms of
By the time you reach a cycle bounded by -15 and +15 generators,
you've filled out the
pitch-space pretty evenly, hence
Canasta scale.
Extending it to one more note on either side would give a pitch
separated from the one on the other end by only 2(1/72), or
16&2/3 cents (= a
1/12-tone). This is illustrated by the red line on the
graph below.
So now all MIRACLE scales above cardinality 31
will have pairs of pitches separated by *that* interval.
Then finally the 72nd generator closes the cycle... in other
words, at that point the separation of pitches on either end
finally reduces to 2(0/72), which is a unison.
Here is the mapping of the basic prime intervals in 72-EDO MIRACLE:
(For a detailed explanation of this type of matrix notation, see
Breed's matrix webpage.)
Notice this
tetrad in roughly the center of one of Graham's
lattices (showing MIRACLE temperaments on
lattice diagrams),
and compare to the first 4 rows of the
"prime" and "dec" column of the table above.
(The absence of prime-factor 11 shows that this is a 7-limit lattice,
as Graham states.)
and also the 5-limit ampersand's comma [7 6 0].
[from Joe Monzo, JustMusic: A New Harmony]
(Thanks to Paul Erlich and Dave Keenan for corrections on historical info.)
I nteger
R atios
A pproximated
C onsistently,
L inearly and
E venly.
Note that this "supermajor 2nd" is also extremely
close to the
formed by 6
degrees of
[= 2^(6/31)].
72-EDO notation legend:
glyph cents adjustment from 12-EDO
^ + 50
> + 33 & 1/3
+ + 16 & 2/3
- - 16 & 2/3
< - 33 & 1/3
degree Semitones notation scale
36 6 F#
29 4 5/6 F-
22 3 2/3 E<
15 2 1/2 D^
8 1 1/3 C#>
1 1/6 C+
66 11 B
59 9 5/6 Bb-
52 8 2/3 A<
45 7 1/2 G^
38 6 1/3 F#>
31 5 1/6 F+
24 4 E
17 2 5/6 Eb-
10 1 2/3 D<
3 1/2 C^
68 11 1/3 B> ---------- studloco
61 10 1/6 Bb+ |
54 9 A |
47 7 5/6 Ab- |
40 6 2/3 G< |
33 5 1/2 F^ -------- canasta |
26 4 1/3 E> | |
19 3 1/6 Eb+ | |
12 2 D | |
5 5/6 Db- | |
70 11 2/3 C< --- blackjack | |
63 10 1/2 Bb^ | | |
56 9 1/3 A> | | |
49 8 1/6 Ab+ | | |
42 7 G | | |
35 5 5/6 F#- | | |
28 4 2/3 F< | | |
21 3 1/2 Eb^ | | |
14 2 1/3 D> | | |
7 1 1/6 Db+ | | |
0 0 C -- (origin) | | |
65 10 5/6 B- | | |
58 9 2/3 Bb< | | |
51 8 1/2 Ab^ | | |
44 7 1/3 G> | | |
37 6 1/6 F#+ | | |
30 5 F | | |
23 3 5/6 E- | | |
16 2 2/3 Eb< | | |
9 1 1/2 Db^ | | |
2 1/3 C> --- blackjack | |
67 11 1/6 B+ | |
60 10 Bb | |
53 8 5/6 A- | |
46 7 2/3 Ab< | |
39 6 1/2 F#^ -------- canasta |
32 5 1/3 F> |
25 4 1/6 E+ |
18 3 Eb |
11 1 5/6 D- |
4 2/3 Db< ---------- studloco
69 11 1/2 B^
62 10 1/3 Bb>
55 9 1/6 A+
48 8 Ab
41 6 5/6 G-
34 5 2/3 F#<
27 4 1/2 E^
20 3 1/3 Eb>
13 2 1/6 D+
6 1 Db
71 11 5/6 C-
64 10 2/3 B<
57 9 1/2 A^
50 8 1/3 Ab>
43 7 1/6 G+
36 6 Gb
7/72-EDO mapping
prime (period, gen) dec ~cents error ~ % error
2 (1, 0) 0 0 0
3 (1, + 6) 6 -1.955000865 -0.102789018
5 (3, - 7) 3^ -2.980380532 -0.106965002
7 (3, - 2) 8^ -2.159239802 -0.064094728
11 (2, +15) 5v -1.317942365 -0.031747565
All MIRACLE tunings temper out the following 7-limit
[ 1 0 3] 1029:1024
- [ 2 2 -1] 225:224
[-1 -2 4] 2401:2400
See also:
Updated: 2001.6.28, 2001.11.16
(to download a zip file of the entire Dictionary, click here) |
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