Definitions of tuning terms
© 1998 by Joseph L. Monzo
All definitions by Joe Monzo unless otherwise cited
An acronym I use to stand for Helmholtz / Ellis / Wolf / Monzo notation
(the long name was first used by Paul Erlich on the Tuning List).
My version of the notational system uses
and their exponents as accidentals placed before
the note-heads, along with the following accidental symbols,
whose intonational inflections are given in the table:
These symbols for the accidentals were chosen specifically
with the view towards being able to communicate about
rational tunings by email using the standard ASCII character set.
The mathematical basis up to the 5-limit,
and the process of prime-factorization, is described more fully
This exposition will focus on the accidental symbols.
If indication of prime-factor 2 is required, it may simply
be added to the list of exponents in the accidental. Normally
"8ve"-equivalence is assumed,
so prime-factor 2 can simply be ignored, as it will be
in the following discussion. In terms of the notation,
this means that a letter-name, or any combination of
a letter-name and accidentals, represents any "8ve"
of that note. Thus, we are here dealing with
pitch-classes as opposed to
specific pitches.
(I use a vector notation here
in which each vector element is an exponent of a
the prime series implied in order from left to right,
beginning with 3.
For example,
etc. I use "redundant coding" here to illustrate all
four types of nomenclature: letter-names, prime-factor
vectors, ratios, and cents. The math works out correctly
for all four: add letters alphabetically, add elements
of vectors, multiply ratios, and add cents. Ratios are
thus the most difficult to comprehend of the group, and
cents the least accurate.)
Essentially, I take the historical
Pythagorean and
diatonic origins of standard
western musical notation as my starting point. The
different powers (exponents)
of prime-factor 3, create notes with different
letter-names for the 7 notes of the diatonic scale:
Their ordering here, by exponent of prime-factor 3,
creates the beginning of the "circle (or cycle) of 5ths (or 4ths)".
Placed in order of pitch, these 7 notes compose
the Pythagorean
diatonic scale:
Incidentally, it can be seen that the Pythagorean
"diatonic semitone" is thus
3-5 or [-5] = 256:243 ratio = ~902/9
and that the Pythagorean "tone" is 32 = [2] =
9:8 ratio = ~20310/11 cents:
These two intervals are the step-sizes
of the Pythagorean scale. This scale was
assumed as the theoretical standard in European
music for about 1000 years, from c. 500 to c. 1500 AD.
The standard reference is Boethius, de institutione musica
Going back to the "cycle of 5ths" presentation,
adding a note to either end:
requires the use of an accidental: b on the flat
(negative) side and # on the sharp (positive) side.
Ignoring prime-factor
2 since we assume "8ve"-equivalence,
we may describe this as a change of "plus" or "minus"
(which when using ratios means dividing or multiplying)
37 = 2187:2048 = ~1132/3 cents:
Essentially, # and b indicate chromatic
alteration of diatonic scale tones within a Pythagorean
(that is, 3-limit) context.
They thus designate the Pythagorean "chromatic
semitone" of ~1132/3
(Note that German nomenclature is quite unorthodox in including
the 8th letter, H. See
for a detailed examination.)
Examining the introduction of accidentals by increase
in the prime series, the next set we find are + and -,
which indicate the presence of prime-factor 5, and
represent an intonational inflection
of "plus" or "minus" 81:80 = [4 -1],
the syntonic comma of
~211/2 cents.
So it can be seen, for example, that the just
"major 3rd" (with
ratio 5:4) above
C [-3 0] , is E- [-3 1] , so therefore:
And this C [-3 0] itself has a counterpart a comma
higher at C+ [1 -1] :
As a parenthetical digression here,
it is worth pointing out that the vast majority of
music in the standard Euro-centric repertoire never
distinguishes this interval, so that an A is always
simply an A, a B is always simply a B, etc. This indicates that
these composers always intended to temper
out (i.e., make vanish) the syntonic comma.
The tuning systems most obviously implied by this are
well-temperament, or an
equal-temperament which has
this feature, the most conspicuous being 12edo,
and a comprehensive list including also
24, 26, 31,
45, 50,
69, 74, 81, and 88edo.
The tempering-out of this interval also has the
effect of broadening the meaning of # and b in these
tunings, as follows:
So these intervals
are all functionally identical in these types of tunings,
and so, depending on the harmonic
context, # and b can "mean" an intonational inflection
by any of these 5-limit intervals. So any of these
intervals (and by extension on either side, possibly
some others as well) may be implied as the
"chromatic semitone" in music of this repertoire.
With this broadening of meaning for "chromatic semitone",
there is a corresponding broadening of meaning for
"diatonic semitone" as well:
for a detailed examination of this.)
So only a close analysis of the harmonic context of
a given passage of music can disclose which of these
are intended to be implied. Often, composers write
chord progressions in which several of these ratios
may be implied simultaneously, which blurs distinctions
between them. Tuning theorists generally refer to
this as "punning".
Using HEWM notation, a composer would not be able
to create puns based on the syntonic comma, because
the comma is indicated explicitly in the notation. The
composer would have to find other intervals which are
not designated in this notation, to choose for punning.
Now, back to the main narrative ...
The next prime in the series is 7, and so the next set
of accidentals we find are > and <,
which represent the presence of prime-factor 7,
by indicating an intonational inflection of
"plus" or "minus" 64:63, as follows:
Referring to the scale above,
the 7th harmonic (or partial) of our reference pitch A
[0 0 0] would be notated as G< [0 0 1], to indicate that it is
~271/4 cents
lower (flatter) than the G [-2 0 0] we have already obtained in our
basic scale, thus:
Note that meantone tunings
provide an interval which is close to the 7th harmonic,
namely the "augmented 6th" of
+10 generators in the
meantone "cycle of 5ths". Thus, for example, a meantone
A# == HEWM Bb<. The use of "augmented 6th chords" by
European "common-practice" composers thus seems to indicate
a liking for the 4:5:6:7 sonority, as the proportion of
the "augmented 6th chord" in meantone tuning very nearly
approaches 4:5:6:7.
The last set of new accidentals in my HEWM notation
indicate the presence of prime-factor 11,
by indicating an intonational inflection of
"plus" or "minus" 33:32, as follows:
Referring again to the basic Pythagorean scale,
the 11th harmonic (or partial) of our reference pitch A
[0 0 0 0] would be notated as D^ [0 0 0 1], to indicate that it is
~531/4 cents
higher (sharper) than the D [-1 0 0 0] we have already obtained in our
basic scale, thus:
I've made an ExcelTM spreadsheet
available at
Using prime-factor
vector format, the user can enter a
target ratio and a succession of either approximate prime-factor
vectors of ratios or HEWM notational symbols, in order to
finally arrive at the HEWM notation of that ratio.
And here's another spreadsheet which allows the user to convert
pitch-classes from a large subset of
Ben Johnston's notational system into HEWM:
The 72edo version of HEWM simplifies things a great
deal, because of the fact that multiples of certain
symbols may equal other symbols, and thus sets of
symbols which equal opposites cancel each other out
and may be omitted from the notation.
Here's a great example of how the JI version of HEWM
differs from the 72edo version:
Let's say we want to find the notation for the ratio 42:25,
assuming that C = 1/1.
The first thing to do on the spreadsheet is to make
sure that there's a zero next to "C" in the column
of cyan cells near the top. This defines "C" as 1/1.
Then put in the target ratio. Whether using the method
of inputting "comma" exponents or inputting the notation
directly, the result will be the same:
So the JI HEWM notation for 42:25 is Bbb<++.
This is simplified in 72edo HEWM, because in 72edo, < = --
and > = ++, so we have Bbb<>, and the <> cancel each
other out, leaving us with just Bbb.
In the JI version of HEWM, > and ++ are not the same,
and so therefore all the symbols must be employed for
The references at the end of
this paper also mentions
Daniel Wolf's version of HEWM, which is essentially identical to mine
except for the use of different symbols for the prime-factors,
and Wolf covers all primes up to 23:
Note that Wolf's symbols for prime-factor 5, 7, and 11 are
very similar to mine. Also, note that he cleverly alludes
to # and b for both prime-factors 17 and 19, whose inflections
are both larger than the others and
in the vicinity of a semitone.
In private communication, Mr. Wolf sent me the following
update on his noational ideas:
. . .
I believe that we are in substantial agreement about notation. I like
the historical approach, assuming octave equivalence, retaining the
staff and using the series of fifths with seven nominals and two
accidentals to represent a pythagorean sequence. Further, because I am
a vocally oriented composer (and most of the instruments I play -- early
winds, javanese rebab -- are voice-like in their pitch orientation),
hearing from interval to interval, and tending to compose in a locally
tonal but globally less-tonal way, I need to have invariant interval
sizes: when I see a perfect fifth on the staff, without any
modifications, I want to imagine a perfect fifth and not have to go
through extraordinary mental gymnastics in order to figure out that it
should actually be a comma-shy or comma-too-big).
This is not to ignore the fact that such pythagorean sequences can be
mapped to an indefinite number of linear temperaments. In doing so, it
may be useful to establish conventions of equivalence such as that found
in meantone, where four ascending fifths are octave-equivalent to a just
third (or in a skhismatic temperament where eight descending fifths do
the same job).
When we wish to use tunings using intervals other than those found in a
pythagorean tuning (or tempered equivalent thereof), then I advocate the
use of additional accidental, indicating "comma" shifts from the
pythagorean values. "Comma" is taken here broadly to indicate simply
small intervals, with my preference to intervals with powers of two or
three on one side of the ratio. The accidentals should come in clear
pairs, either logical pairs (plus/minus) or graphic inversions.
In _1/1_ I proposed a series of such accidentals. I stand by the
symbols printed there through the 11-limit and have used them
successfully with performers for over twenty years. The rest were
thought up in haste in the days of daisy wheel printers and the
limitations of a fixed set of characters; consequently, I do not stand
by the particular graphics but the principles respresented by the signs
remain valid. I will here propose some improvements to the graphics, but
with the caveat that I have not yet found it neccessary to use such a
notation, as my own music in JI has either been restricted to an
11-limit, or has gone so far beyond such a limit as to require a
notation with some combination of ratios, exact frequency, and/or cent
deviations from 12tet..
For shifts of 81/80 and 80/81, the syntonic comma, I use plus and minus
signs respectively. This follows Erv Wilson, from whom I have also taken
the practice of slanting significantly broadened horizontal strokes to
ca. 45 degrees for increased readability and distinction from the staff
lines. The horizontal stroke on the plus sign slants upward, that on
the minus sign downward, the direction of the slant intended to increase
the sense of direction conveyed by the interval. (I find that building
a bit of redundancy into a notation is not a significant violation of my
need for elegance in a notation).
For shifts of 63/64 and 64/63, the septimal comma, indicating ratios
involving a factor 7, I use a numeral seven and its inversion. In ASCII,
one can either use a "7" and a capital letter "L", but the greater-than
and less-than signs (>,<) are pretty good substitutes. This seems to be
an uncontroversial accidental, although those who prefer to notate the
septimal minor seventh as an augmented sixth might well have a different
opinion. (In 31tet, you can have it both ways: an augmented sixth has
the same size as a minor seventh diminished by the interval equivalent
in that temperament to the septimal comma, in this case one step of
With the introduction of ratios involving a factor 11, I had, initially,
to decide upon an orientation. The tone found 11/8 above a given tonic
is almost exactly a quartertone between the perfect fourth and the
augmented fourth above a given tone. Consequently, I could notate the
11/8 as either a fourth with an accidental raising by the interval 33/32
or as an augmented fourth diminished by the interval 729/704. I went
with the simpler ratio and the added bonus that I would probably
encounter fewer compound accidentals (i.e. . I notate this accidental
with up and down arrows, following a common convention for notating
At this point, I should note that the graphics selected for the the
syntonic and unadecimal commas may be confused with those used in one of
the current 72tet notations (there are several competing systems out
there, none of which can be considered standard; I suppose that the
recent advocacy of 72 by conductor and composer Hans Zender might push
things in his direction, but I'll do a wait and see on this!) . In some
of these systems, arrows are used for 12th tone deviations, which are
very close in size to a syntonic comma, and a modified square root sign
is used for the quartertone accidental. In contrast, both the Ben
Johnston system for JI and the one described here use pluses and minuses
for the syntonic comma -- we just disagree about the content of the set
of pitches _without_ accidentals. I could cop out and simply say that
my interest is in notating extended Just Intonations and the 72tet-ers
can do there own thing, but the affinity of 72 for creating a near-just
environment is not to be undervalued, and the notation described here
functions identically to the Sims system when used in 72tet. It is
equally efficient and just differs in the choice of graphics.
However, I'm willing to offer support for my choice of graphics, and one
piece of explicit criticism for the Sims set. When I wrote my item for
1/1, I was writing my dissertation and supporting myself by teaching
Junior-year Algebra in a Catholic Girl's Priory School in Southern
California. At the time, I was convinced about the septimal accidentals,
but wasn't sure whether pluses/minus were to be assigned to syntonic
commas and up/down arrows to the 11-limit commas or vice versa. Erv
Wilson had prepared me to like pluses and minuses at the smaller comma,
pluses and minus were used in some of the important 19th century theory
to indicate syntonic commas, and I had seem some quartertone scores with
arrows, but that was hardly conclusive. So I made a totally unscientific
poll on the subject and asked 124 Catholic Girl's Priory School 11th
graders their opinion on the question:
"In your opinion, which of the following signs better indicates a larger
quantity: (a) an arrow pointed upward (by means of a graphic of same
drawn in white chalk on a green board) or (b) a plus sign (with this
graphic drawn by similar means)?
The answer to this wholly unscientific poll of was clear: 102 chose (a),
the upward-pointing arrow, 20 chose (b), the plus sign, and the
remaining two were apparently agnostic.
So I went with the scheme described above.
And oh yes, my explicit criticism of the Sims: the modified square root
signs are too large, and I find them, personally, to be ugly.
As mentioned before, the signs in the _1/1_ article (by the way,
although the editors of the journal call it "one-one" when pronouncing
the name of their journal, following the pronunciation favored by Partch
and Harrison for musical ratios, there are minority schools of practice
where the name is pronounced as either "one to one" (which is somewhat
sporting), "one over one" (which is too focused on power for my taste)
or "one on one"; but then, maybe the name is not in English in the forst
place: the German _eins zu eins_ shares the sporting connotation, while
_eins durch eins_ or _eins über eins_ both have an historical-political
aftertaste; the Hungarian _egy egy_, on the other hand, sounds enough
like fingernails scraping against a clean, dry chalkboard to convince me
that _Magyar_ was not a pronounciation choice foreseen by said editors,
but I digress: enough of that!) were made hastily, under primitive
technological circumstances and are herefore, hereby _und hiermit_
retracted immediately and irrovocably.
For ratios involving the factor 13, I propose to notate the intervals
26/27 and 27/26 with a question mark and an inverted question mark. The
association of things tredecimal with strangness is not unknown (just
ask anyone of us who happen to have been born on the 13th of September)
and a question mark suggests this quality well. In the _1/1_ item, I
tried, unhappily, to combine question marks with sharps and flats; I now
find the question marks to be adequate on their own. Fortunately,
Spanish punctuation requires the inverted question mark
Ratios involving factors of 17 and 19 represent very small deviations
from the accidentals found in the original pythagorean set. Again, as in
the unadecimal accidental, one has an orientation issue with which to
deal, but in this case there is no advantage vis a vis compounding
accidentals, but I can go with the simplest ratios. In _1/1_, I
proposed adding a comma or apostrophe attached to a sharp, flat or
natural for 17/16 and 16/17. This was, in itself, not objectionable for
the sharp-sighted, but the signs for ratios of 19 (513/512 and 512/513)
were just plain silly. I propose instead to keep sharp, flats, and
naturals and simply add 17 or 19 above or below the accidental to
indicate modifications by the relevant ratio in the direction of the
numeral relative to the pythagorean accidental. For example, a c
proceeded by a sharp with a seventeen above it would represented the
frequency of C multiplied by 17/16. (You could also think of it as C#
(2187/2048) multiplied by 2176/2187, but the simpler ratios seem more
useful to me). This notation can be extended arbitrarily upward to
ratios based on higher prime numbers.
There is more to be discussed -- for example, the problems of notating
pitches related by several factors. At a certain point, the signage
does get unwieldy (that point was rapidly reached in trying to notate a
hebdomekontany!) and one might as well go with some combination of
explicit ratios, frequencies, and cent-deviations from 12tet. Also, I
have to admit that I have also developed a number of notational
shorthands that I constantly use while composing but have hesistated to
spring on performers. The shorthand I use use most frequently is a
composite flat and septimal lowering, where the top, horizontal, line of
the numeral seven extends from the vertical shaft of the flat. I
further admit to being fond of the look of my shorthand, but this falls
squarely into the box of personal eccentricities, is part of my
sketching hand, not my clean copy, and is not intended or suggested for
wider use.
Dr. Daniel James Wolf
The version of HEWM described by Hermann Helmholtz and Alexander Ellis
is in Ellis's 1875 English translation of Helmholtz's On
The Sensations of Tone.
As Paul Erlich noted, "apparently
the HEWM notation system traces it roots to Eitz in
1891 and still further back to Hauptmann".
Dave Benson, course notes for
and Music (zip file), Chapter 5, p 116 and 117, gives an explanation
of Eitz's notation:
As an example, the Pythagorean E, notated E0
in this system, is 81:64 of C, while E-1 is
decreased by a factor of 81/80 from this value, to give
the just ration of 80:64 or 5:4.
In this notation, the basic scale for just intonation
is given by
A common variant of this notation is to use subscripts
rather than superscripts, so that the just major third
in the key of C is E-1 instead of E-1.
Benson's footnote about Eitz:
Daniel Wolf also suggest that I point out that prolific
German theorist Martin Vogel also uses + and - for the
syntonic comma.
[from Joe Monzo, JustMusic: A New Harmony]
updated: 2002.3.9, 2002.3.5, 2002.2.23, 2002.2.8
lower raise 2 3 5 7 11 ratio ~cents
b # [-11 7 0 0 0] 2187:2048 113.6850061
v ^ [ -5 1 0 0 1] 33:32 53.2729432
< > [ 6 -2 0 -1 0] 64:63 27.2640918
- + [ -4 4 -1 0 0] 81:80 21.5062896
[ 1 ] = 31 = 3 ,
[ 0 1] = 51 = 5 ,
[ 1 1] = 3151 = 15 ,
[-1 1] = 3-151 = 5/3,
The Pythagorean basis - handling of prime-factor 3
letter F C G D A E B
3^x, x= -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2
ratio 128/81 32/27 16/9 4/3 1/1 3/2 9/8
~cents 792 294 996 498 0 702 204
letter A B C D E F G
3^x, x= 0 2 -3 -1 1 -4 -2
ratio 1/1 9/8 32/27 4/3 3/2 128/81 16/9
~cents 0 204 294 498 702 792 996
letter 3^x ratio ~cents
F [-4] 128:81 792
- E - [ 1] / 3:2 - 702
----- ------ -------- -----
= [-5] 256:243 90
C [-3] 32:27 294
- B - [ 2] / 9:8 - 204
----- ------ ------ -----
= [-5] 256:243 90
letter 3^x ratio ~cents
B [ 2] 9:8 204
- A - [ 0] / 1:1 - 0
----- ------ ------ -----
= [ 2] 9:8 204
D [-1] 4:3 498
- C - [-3] / 32:27 294
----- ------ ------ -----
= [ 2] 9:8 - 204 ... etc.
letter Bb F C G D A E B F#
3^x, x= -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
ratio 256/243 128/81 32/27 16/9 4/3 1/1 3/2 9/8 27/16
~cents 90 792 294 996 498 0 702 204 906
letter 3^x ratio ~cents
F# [ 3] 27:16 906
- F - [-4] / 128:81 - 792
----- ------ -------- -----
# = [ 7] 2187:2048 114
Bb [-5] 256:243 90
- B - [ 2] / 9:8 - 204
----- ------ --------- -----
b = [-7] 2048:2187 -114
Symbols for prime-factor 5
| E- [-3 1] B- [-2 1] F#- [-1 1] C#- [0 1] G#- [1 1]
exponent 1 + 40:27 10:9 5:3 5:4 15:8
| 680 182 884 386 1088
| C [-3 0] G [-2 0] D [-1 0] A [0 0] E [1 0]
of 0 + 32:27 16:9 4:3 1:1 3:2
| 294 996 498 0 702
| Ab+ [-3 -1] Eb+ [-2 -1] Bb+ [-1 -1] F+ [0 -1] C+ [1 -1]
5 -1 + 256:135 64:45 16:15 8:5 6:5
| 1108 610 112 814 316
| -3 -2 -1 0 1
e x p o n e n t o f 3
letter 3 5 ratio ~cents
E- [-3 1] 40:27 680
- E - [ 1 0] / 3:2 - 702
---- --------- ------- -----
- = [-4 1] 80:81 -22
letter 3 5 ratio ~cents
C+ [ 1 -1] 6:5 316
- C - [-3 0] / 32:27 - 294
---- --------- ------- -----
+ = [ 4 -1] 81:80 22
[ 7 0] + [4 -1] = [11 -1] 177147 : 163840 135.1912957
[ 7 0] 2187 : 2048 113.6850061
[ 7 0] - [4 -1] = [ 3 1] 135 : 128 92.17871646
[ 3 1] - [4 -1] = [-1 2] 25 : 24 70.67242686
[-1 2] - [4 -1] = [-5 3] 250 : 243 49.16613727
[-5 3] - [4 -1] = [-9 4] 20000 : 19683 27.65984767 etc.
ratio ~cents
[ 3 -2] + [4 -1] = [ 7 -3] 2187 : 2000 154.7438645
[-1 -1] + [4 -1] = [ 3 -2] 27 : 25 133.2375749
[-5 0] + [4 -1] = [-1 -1] 16 : 15 111.7312853
[-5 0] 256 : 243 90.22499567
[-5 0] - [4 -1] = [-9 1] 20480 : 19683 68.71870608 etc.
Symbols for prime-factor 7
And A [0 0 0] itself would thus be the 7th harmonic
of B> , as follows:
letter 3 5 7 ratio ~cents
G< [ 0 0 1] 7:4 969
- G - [-2 0 0] / 16:9 - 996
---- ------------ ------ -----
< = [ 2 0 1] 63:64 -27
letter 3 5 7 ratio ~cents
B> [ 0 0 -1] 8:7 231
- B - [ 2 0 0] / 9:8 - 204
---- ------------ ------ -----
> = [-2 0 -1] 64:63 27
Symbols for prime-factor 11
And A [0 0 0 0] itself would thus be the 11th harmonic
of Ev , as follows:
letter 3 5 7 11 ratio ~cents
D^ [ 0 0 0 1] 11:8 551
- D - [-1 0 0 0] / 4:3 - 498
---- --------------- ------ -----
^ = [ 1 0 0 1] 33:32 53
letter 3 5 7 11 ratio ~cents
Ev [ 0 0 0 -1] 16:11 649
- E - [ 1 0 0 0] / 3:2 - 702
---- ------------ ------- -----
v = [-1 0 0 -1] 32:33 -53
The tempered version: "simplified HEWM" based on 72edo
The rational basis of my HEWM notation translates
very well into my 72edo notation:
lower raise inflection cents
b # semitone 100
v ^ 1/4-tone 50
< > 1/6-tone 331/3
- + 1/12-tone 162/3
2 3 5 7 11
target ratio: [ 1 1 -2 1 0] 42/25 898.2
HEWM: B bb - [ 15 -9 0 0 0] 32768/19683 882.4
[-14 10 -2 1 0] 413343/409600 15.7
< - [ -6 2 0 1 0] 63/64 -27.3
[ -8 8 -2 0 0] 6561/6400 43.0
+ - [ -4 4 -1 0 0] 81/80 21.5
[ -4 4 -1 0 0] 81/80 21.5
+ - [ -4 4 -1 0 0] 81/80 21.5
[ 0 0 0 0 0] 1/1 0.0
Daniel Wolf's version of HEWM
2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 ratio ~cents
[-11 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] 2187:2048 113.6850061 (symbol: the Pythagorean # and b)
[ -4 4 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0] 81:80 21.5062896
[ 6 -2 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0] 64:63 27.2640918
[ -5 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0] 33:32 53.2729432
[ -1 3 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0] 27:26 65.33734083
[ -4 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0] 17:16 104.9554095
[ -1 -2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0] 19:18 93.6030144
[ 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1] 24:23 73.6806536
Composer, Budapest/Morro Bay
Manuel Op de Coul's version of HEWM (used in
lower raise 2 3 5 7 11 ratio ~cents
b # [-11 7 0 0 0] 2187:2048 113.6850061
v ^ [ -5 1 0 0 1] 33:32 53.2729432
L 7 [ 6 -2 0 -1 0] 64:63 27.2640918
\ / [ -4 4 -1 0 0] 81:80 21.5062896
The Hauptmann / Helmholtz / Ellis / Eitz versions of HEWM
Eitz devised a system of notation, used in Barbour,
which is convenient for describing scales based around
the octave. His method is to start with the Pythagorean
definitions of the notes and then put a superscript
describing how many commas to adjust by. Each comma
multiplies the frequency by a factor of 81/80.
C0 - D0 - E-1 - F0 - G0 - A-1 - B-1 - C0 .
Carl A. Eitz, Das mathematisch-reine Tonsystem, Leipzig, 1891.
A similar notation was used earlier by Hauptmann and modified by Helmholtz.
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