2005-07-20 at 12:00
Tonescape Catalina Released
Tonalsoft announces the release of Tonescape Studio Catalina, the most recent pre-release of Tonescape studio, the just-intonation and microtonal music composition software application. Highlights for the Catalina release include:
Infrastructure support for generic staff notation. Tonescape's generic staff notation will enable composers to compose and analyze microtonal and just-intonation music with a preferred staff notation. Amongst the early staff-notation variations to be supported are traditional Meantone/Pythagorean staff, Johnston JI staff, Quartertone 72-edo staff, HEWM, and Sagittal.
One-click export of microtonal musical scores from native Tonescape format into MIDI files. Composers can now share their just intonation and microtonal music compositions with non-Tonescape musicians.
Local synthesizer support that's not constrained to 15-voices. Local playback can now support as many microtonal musical voices as are availabel on the PC's sound card. Composers don't need to be constrained to 15 voices when composing just intonation and microtonal music.
A one-step wizard has been added that allows the user to create a new musical tuning (scale) with an orthogonal block of notes in an n-dimensional generator space. This feature should radically simplify and shorten the task of creating custom musical tunings.
Fully tested support for musical composition that employs musical tunings that have NO octave equivalence. This ensures that Tonescape is perfectly suited for non-traditional tunings such as Bohlen-Pierce and 88Cet.
A number of technical and infrastructure enhancements ensure greater compatibility with prior versions of Windows (2000 Professional and 98SE) and improved performance.