family name: atomic
period: 100 cents
generator: schisma (32805/32768) 0.00144 to 0.00145 cents flat in the 5-limit
note: atomic is compatible with 12-et, and ultra-accurate in the 5-limit, making it useful for analyzing 12-note temperaments. The 46032 division divides the pythagorean comma into 900 parts and the Didymus comma (81/80) into 825 parts, giving therefore 75 parts to the schisma. It assigns the same number to the flatness of the 12-et fifth, and is the temperament which equates the schisma with the flattening of the 12-et fifth; whose near-identity was noted by Ellis and implicitly used by Kirnberger. In higher limits, atomic is not nearly so accurate but useful in connection with devising notation schemes compatible with 12-et.
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