Microtonal, just intonation, electronic music software Microtonal, just intonation, electronic music software

Encyclopedia of Microtonal Music Theory

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[Gene Ward Smith, Yahoo tuning-math message 12081 (Sun May 1, 2005 2:32 pm)]

family name: mystery
period: 1/29 octave
generator: 81/80, 10/9, 6/5, 5/4, 3/2 etc.
3-limit comma: <46 -29|
name: mystery
wedgie: <<0 29 29 46 46 -14||
mapping: [<29 46 67 81|, <0 0 1 1|]
poptimal generators: the 7 and 9 limits both reduce to a single value. 11/812 for the 7-limit and 23/1624 for the 9-limit should suffice
TOP period: 41.369
TOP generator: 16.088
TM basis: {5120/5103, 50421/50000}
MOS: 58, 87, 145
name: mystery
wedgie: <<0 29 29 29 46 46 46 -14 -33 -19||
mapping: [<29 46 67 81 100|, <0 0 1 1 1|]
poptimal generator: 2/145
TOP period: 41.369
TOP generator: 16.078
TM basis: {441/440, 896/891, 3388/3375}
MOS: 58, 87, 145
name: mystery
wedgie: <<0 29 29 29 29 46 46 46 46 -14 -33 -40 -19 -26 -7||
mapping: [<29 46 67 81 100|, <0 0 1 1 1|]
poptimal generator: 5/377
TOP period: 41.369
TOP generator: 16.078
TM basis: {196/195, 352/351, 364/363, 676/675}
MOS: 58, 87, 145, 232, 377
. . . . . . . . .

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